How many times do I sit with my phone in the morning reading your compositions having deeply felt humility, gratitude and tears in my eyes. So moving, so uplifting that I wish everyone could read them and experience in each moment just how beloved each Soul is and just how exquisitely precious this Life is. Thank you for your talents and gifts and using them to uplift humanity.
I came here, after reading your essay in my inbox just now, to say something along the lines of what Brenda said above, but she said it so well that all that's left for me to do is reinforce it by agreeing completely. There is more wisdom and value in your posts than in anything else I read anywhere and I am grateful to have found your Substack.
This essay, as many of yours do, hit me right in the heart! Deeply insightful, thoughtfully written, it is so relative. Thankyou, Barry ...and especially for your beautiful family picture...then...and quickly it goes! Glad you captured the moments and didn't forfeit "being present".
Thank you for the kind note, and love to you, too, Jacqueline.
That's a good way to out it--you can capture the moment and not forfeit presence. We're not looking to do "presence" perfectly, but just to pivot in its direction. Of course, we don't do "presence," we allow presence.
Wow Prof Brownstein. How generous of you to share these precious and beautiful times with your family.
My understanding of "ichi-go ichi-e" is that it comes from Zen Buddhism. I first came across this concept in the 1990s when reading a book on the Japanese tea ceremony.
Thank you for the reminder to be more present to my precious family and to myself today.
Hello Barry
Thank you for a unique experience: a beautiful piece and a wonderful peek into your family.
Love ... John
John, Nice to connect with you on that level, my friend.
How many times do I sit with my phone in the morning reading your compositions having deeply felt humility, gratitude and tears in my eyes. So moving, so uplifting that I wish everyone could read them and experience in each moment just how beloved each Soul is and just how exquisitely precious this Life is. Thank you for your talents and gifts and using them to uplift humanity.
Thank you, Brenda. Reading your kind note deeply moved me. It's an honor to know my words have an impact.
I came here, after reading your essay in my inbox just now, to say something along the lines of what Brenda said above, but she said it so well that all that's left for me to do is reinforce it by agreeing completely. There is more wisdom and value in your posts than in anything else I read anywhere and I am grateful to have found your Substack.
Wow. What more can a writer dream of reading? I'm honored, moved, and inspired. Thank you!
Hi Barry,
This essay, as many of yours do, hit me right in the heart! Deeply insightful, thoughtfully written, it is so relative. Thankyou, Barry ...and especially for your beautiful family picture...then...and quickly it goes! Glad you captured the moments and didn't forfeit "being present".
Love, Jacqueline
Thank you for the kind note, and love to you, too, Jacqueline.
That's a good way to out it--you can capture the moment and not forfeit presence. We're not looking to do "presence" perfectly, but just to pivot in its direction. Of course, we don't do "presence," we allow presence.
Wow Prof Brownstein. How generous of you to share these precious and beautiful times with your family.
My understanding of "ichi-go ichi-e" is that it comes from Zen Buddhism. I first came across this concept in the 1990s when reading a book on the Japanese tea ceremony.
Thank you for the reminder to be more present to my precious family and to myself today.
In gratitude
Thank you, Kylee. Enjoy your precious time with your family.