I just learned've this well-spoken British "gent" new ta substack but I'm likin' whut he sez 'bout Israel an' also 'bout Jewish values-- rings right true ta me! it's measured, nuanced--holdin' all parties to the standards of humanity (an' ta the "Torah" Judaism I know). Ya may find it so fer you too so here ya go:
I just learned've this well-spoken British "gent" new ta substack but I'm likin' whut he sez 'bout Israel an' also 'bout Jewish values-- rings right true ta me! it's measured, nuanced--holdin' all parties to the standards of humanity (an' ta the "Torah" Judaism I know). Ya may find it so fer you too so here ya go:
I just learned've this well-spoken British "gent" new ta substack but I'm likin' whut he sez 'bout Israel an' also 'bout Jewish values-- rings right true ta me! it's measured, nuanced--holdin' all parties to the standards of humanity (an' ta the "Torah" Judaism I know). Ya may find it so fer you too so here ya go:
his stack:
here's the declaration:
Thanks, Daisy.
You're more optimistic than I am. Who will people in Israel negotiate with? Just a rhetorical question. I sure wish I had an answer.
Hamas's mission in life is to kill Jews. And the Palestinian educational system teaches this death cult mission.
Israelis feel for good reason that their survival as a nation is threatened. And I find it hard to make the case they are wrong.
I sincerely hope you are right and I am wrong.