Interestin'--we human beans are always tryin' to tease out logic, trends, cycles, even dialectics! (eg. 'splainin' "his-story" via formulas like thesis-antithesis--synthesis yadayada). But as ya said, less forecastable (hope so!) an' it goes without sayin' that it all works better in retrospect!
Interestin'--we human beans are always tryin' to tease out logic, trends, cycles, even dialectics! (eg. 'splainin' "his-story" via formulas like thesis-antithesis--synthesis yadayada). But as ya said, less forecastable (hope so!) an' it goes without sayin' that it all works better in retrospect!
Folks seen ta always see clear cycles retroactively (not faultin' human nature ta do so--but they gotta own that it's purdy fallible)--kinda goes with hindsite bein' 20-20 but that's cheatin'! Predictin' is far harder. Apart from planned cons (like tellin' folks the polar ice caps iz gonna melt so fast the wouldn't be an arctic by 2012!)--many forecasts / predictions fall so short they're invisible by the time the date comes 'round...
Best way ta see what's comin' is ta foller the money--when it dries up... minds change... War (sadly) is yet profitable to Mister Global & Co.... includin' what's goin' down in the Middle East--the "misched up mindset" sadly "comes with the territory"--gotta look at ports, "fossil" fuels, The Crown... all that stuff's gotta git stuffed inta that crystal ball :-)
Interestin'--we human beans are always tryin' to tease out logic, trends, cycles, even dialectics! (eg. 'splainin' "his-story" via formulas like thesis-antithesis--synthesis yadayada). But as ya said, less forecastable (hope so!) an' it goes without sayin' that it all works better in retrospect!
Folks seen ta always see clear cycles retroactively (not faultin' human nature ta do so--but they gotta own that it's purdy fallible)--kinda goes with hindsite bein' 20-20 but that's cheatin'! Predictin' is far harder. Apart from planned cons (like tellin' folks the polar ice caps iz gonna melt so fast the wouldn't be an arctic by 2012!)--many forecasts / predictions fall so short they're invisible by the time the date comes 'round...
Best way ta see what's comin' is ta foller the money--when it dries up... minds change... War (sadly) is yet profitable to Mister Global & Co.... includin' what's goin' down in the Middle East--the "misched up mindset" sadly "comes with the territory"--gotta look at ports, "fossil" fuels, The Crown... all that stuff's gotta git stuffed inta that crystal ball :-)