My best time-managing practice is keeping a journal. It helps me be mindful about my habits. I write for example how much time I waste on the Internet. It works most of the times. It's not perfect, so I will consider the suggestions of this article, and I will also consider reading the book.

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I think you are on the right track. Perfection is not possible. Your medicine of being mindful is the best medicine. When we see how we are odds with Reality we auto correct.

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I would like some examples of these types of activities: "Just as physical exercise enlivens your whole day, so does mental activity." I can think of all sorts of mental activities, but surely some are more helpful than others and some may be harmful.

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Absolutely, you are correct. I was not referring to the tedious rumination that passes for mental activity. I was referring to reading great literature, a non-fiction book with ideas that alter your gaze, a generative conversation, etc.; anything that leaves you fresh and inspired.

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Yes! Great ideas and thanks for the clarification.

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Thank you, Barry.

Yes JdL, self awareness solves what ails us.

Warmly ... John

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Thank you. Right on schedule :).

Some days I wonder if you might actually be my guardian angel.

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Ann, Thanks for the kind note and for putting a big smile on my face!

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"Her cure began with her awareness."

This is the one indispensable key for any sort of healing. With it, one may still need help and guidance to speed progress, but without it, all the experts in the world can't make a person's messed-up mental state budge. Which reminds me of the joke, how many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? One, but the bulb really has to want to change.

Thanks once again for your solid perspectives backed by excellent quotes. There really are a lot of people who see clearly, but it takes effort to find them amidst the noisy mindless babble of day-to-day life.

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Thanks for the kind note, Jdl. The power of awareness is greatly underrated and the power of willpower is greatly overrated

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👏👏👏👏🙏🏻🤔💖Thank you for contributing worthwhile content to the regular exercise of my mind.

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I appreciate the very kind feedback.

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