Where is the tipping point of planning for revolution? Not by force, but by noncompliance. It is powerful.

Thanks, Professor B. All the best, Mike Pair

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Mike, Noncompliance is indeed increasing. Jdl (below) points to parents pulling their kids from school.

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Lately, the resonance of truth is like a salve. I get such a sense of relief when someone else acknowledges what I see.

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Ann, Thank you. We are drinking from the same well!

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Academia, media, and medicine have been at the forefront of the push for totalitarianism in the West. Recently, other corporations have joined them, with the big Tech players taking the lead.

I have witnessed this firsthand at my company over the last couple years, as the woke agenda has taken root. We are now required to take 4 hours of training each year in "diversity, equity, and inclusion" topics. As far as I can tell, most of my colleagues do not object to this, though I can't say that I have openly discussed it with others. We are, in effect, being forced to lie, or at least remain silent. At this point, we can still keep quiet.

Yet, I do think that all of these tyrannical developments are in the process of being overturned and will ultimately be destroyed. Liberty is experiencing a rebirth and will sweep aside all of the lies and their associated crimes. We are on the midst of a great awakening, and not a moment too soon!

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Dave, I love your optimism. I agree a happy ending is certain but I fear we may decades of pain ahead first.

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I well understand! I am generally not a very optimistic person, especially when it comes to political matters, where things only seem to get worse, most of the time. But I believe that we may very well see some divine intervention in the near term.

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The parallels between America and dystopias such as China are indeed scary. The woke/Antifa/BLM/CRT/DEI crowd are bitterly opposed to free discourse, and many others have taken the easy road and gone along. A recent poll by McLaughlin & Associates found that 48% of college students support the death penalty for "hate speech". Presumably the question of who defines what is "hate speech" wasn't brought up in the survey, or likely, in the respondents' minds. The same poll found equal support for capitalism and socialism, one of which consistently produces great wealth and the other of which consistently produces universal poverty for everyone but government officials. So there's lots of reason for pessimism.

There's also reason for optimism. Its efforts notwithstanding, the government hasn't found a way to eradicate mindsetshifts or the hundreds, thousands of other independently minded people who are sharing their thoughts online. Among the general populace there seems to be a growing revulsion to the demands of would-be totalitarians. Fauci is reduced to whining impotently that only 7% of Americans have lined up for the latest barely-tested jab. Parents are pulling their kids out of the indoctrination centers called "public schools" in record numbers.

And when/if all else fails, Americans have firearms in numbers the Chinese populace lacks. Many, perhaps, will give them up when push comes to shove, but others won't.

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That poll is new to me. Wow!

I appreciate your optimism take. Let's hope you and David are correct.

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Incredible! Maoism is not limited to one country.

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A great article Barry. The Chinese premier Zhou Enlai pronouncing Mao as “the representative of truth”, in 1959, reminded me very much of the NZ prime minister who in 2020, during Covid, pronounced her own government as the “single source of truth”. Watch here: https://youtu.be/l_wDO-1nvCs

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Thank you, John. I remember that chilling moment well.

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I think our "guvver-mint" is puttin' the CCP to shame, MSM mockin'birds are chantin' (an twitterin') bogus slogans like votin' the "wrong way" is "a danger to our democracy" (what double speak!) -- somethin' that'd make a Marxist (or Orwell) blush--each one cuz "it's working!" Charlotte Iserbyt's voluminous warnin's were right on target (http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/ ) , published well head've schedule. Anyone listen? Nope... Some've us Cassandras are tryin' --yer doin' it right here and bravos fer takin' the time to do it too!

Heck, even Alex Jones was right! ('Bout time he can say so too tho' I'm sad to see it so...) I fear we're in fer a long long long struggle session... You point out a lotta parallels... A red wave t'day may be a bandaid (if the sticky fingers don't go pushin' buttons that add in blue'in to the warsh...)--but we need far more than mustard plaster an' bandaids to fix what's broken... an' undo the in-doctor-nation... whatta mess we'z in now...

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Thanks, Daisy. "Double speak" for sure.

Thanks for the link. I will take a look.

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Nov 8, 2022
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Thank you, for the kind note, Diane.

Nonviolent Communication is an excellent resource. Thank you for pointing us to it.

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