When I was in college in early 70’s my secular science professors continued to espouse materialistic and humanistic ideas. I did plenty of soul searching at that time, because just starting out in college, you thought your professors were on the zenith of their knowledge. I’m happy to say after thoroughly researching the existence on the Almighty, I pray to God morning and night asking for continued humbleness and wisdom. Quoting Emerson was outstanding. Happy New Year Barry. BTW, I was suspended from Twitter for posting Michelangelo’s creation of Adam. They said it was porn, too graphic and could promote violence. 😂

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Happy New Year, Mike. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

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Lovely and so inspiring! Thank you Barry

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You are so very kind. Thank you, Parmalee.

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This is beautiful. The many contemplative traditions offer an opportunity for removing that “wall of separation” and quieting the churning mind. Thank you for reminding me of Emerson’s deep wisdom.

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Thank you for the kind words, Barbara. Indeed, there is no other pathway for lasting change than the perennial wisdom.

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