Beautifully written. ❤️🙏

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Thank you, Jen!

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Thank you Barry - beautiful.

Thoughts in response:


Peace is possible. It exists for you and me apriori to all our beliefs, opinions, judgements and knowledge.

Are we willing to surrender what we know for peace?

I mean to surrender, absolutely and ultimately, our accumulation.

And it isn’t as if what we know isn’t of value. Much of it is.

It’s when we take anything, yes anything, we know as being the truth; our truth becomes problematic for us, others, and planet Earth – including what’s written here if taken as the truth.

Taking anything as the ultimate fact of that matter gets in our way of seeing further into the unknown - the yet-to-be-seen - and discovering something of greater value.

And in taking any discovery – any breakthrough – any life-transforming revelation, no matter what it may be - as the ultimate truth becomes the hell on Earth we witness today.

In releasing ourselves from the known and delving into the yet-to-be-seen, we experience our innate unconditional kindness and understanding of ourselves and others.

We discover the wisdom and common sense seen and offered by the saints, sages, and wise throughout human history.

Might that discovery be of value to you, your family, community and humanity?

What if it was?

What might be?

What if?

Warmly … John

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I appreciate the the kind note, John.

Indeed, curiosity about what we don't know is a crucial ingredient. Thank you for your important work!

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How profound. I appreciate your writings. And sometimes really deep. I’m 60 years old, and have never been in College. Your ability to explain has often stirred my desire to invest time into understanding myself so as to help others. My ADD has given me lack of follow through. If ever there is a time to begin loving thy neighbor it’s now.

Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you, Carol. I was deeply moved by your kind note!

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Staying in a state of appreciation is KEY to building a better life. This is mostly (all?) an "energy" game. If the darkness can consume us, it wins. Nothing wrong with being informed and trying to avoid dangers, but living in a constant state of terror is NOT the way we win this. We can no longer indulge in fearful and negative emotions and expect good things to come our way. The darkness thrives on, and is empowered by, such frequencies.

Thanks for this reminder!

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Thanks Barry, I love your message as usual. Free markets and opne exchange reward the best ideas that continually evolve to create solutions to meet our needs and desires through the feedback of prices and consumer demand. We thrive by serving each other and create intricate webs of connection with people all over the world, encouraging us to see each other as collaborators rather than enemies.

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Peggy, Thank you for the kind note and the beautiful expression of the wisdom of markets.

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So true

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May 21
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I'm touched to learn the impact I have. Thank you!

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May 21
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That's a mighty one, John!

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