Thank you, Barry. It would seem that there is an infinite amount of blessings for which each of us ought to be grateful. And gratitude provides such a clearer vision and spark to our individual potential than pride, selfishness and envy.

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Thank you, Darren. I couldn't have said it better. Yes, indeed, cultivating gratitude is win-win.

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Wonderful essay for a Thanksgiving day. Thank you.

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Another thought-provoking essay from Mr. Brownstein. I do feel grateful every time I walk from the freezing outdoors into my warm home, while my cousins, the bunnies, squirrels, mice, and birds, all have to make do without even a blanket. Somehow they persevere, but it can't be nearly as much fun as being warm. And of course that's just one of an uncountable number of examples of how lucky I am, and how much helped by other people's hard work.

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Thank you, Jd. Indeed without the efforts of others, our lives would be primitive.

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