I don't remember learning about the content of the constitution in school. Maybe bits and pieces, but we never really studied it. I remember reading the Gettysburg address. But it was kind of like, that was something great and this is America. But we didn't really study it. No one asked us to THINK. And we certainly never talked about current events. I ended up studying Russian language and literature in college because, when I grew up, the USSR was the "evil empire". (Ironically, given your article, that designation was given by Ronald Reagan.) I didn't buy it but didn't know how to find answers.

We also didn't learn anything about how to take care of ourselves - like what's healthy and not re: food or anything else. We were punished for misbehaving and rewarded for success, but neither of those things taught us much. As far as I'm concerned, the failure of America comes down to its schools. They don't help us become better human beings, but tell us how to behave. College was a godsend. I was finally asked to think, but it seems things have changed there, too.

But, even in college, it wasn't really acceptable to be a full human being. Emotions were still suspect. America seems to be caught in a trauma loop, and the only socially acceptable medical solutions seem to be pharmaceuticals and the only acceptable social solutions seem to be more control. Ironically, the trauma seems to be the result of not enough human kindness and connection and too much control to begin with.

Anyway, thank you for your articles. I appreciate what you share and teach.

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I appreciate the kind note, Ellen. And, I agree, our failed educational system does not people how to think or consider core American values.

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Thank you, Barry

The drive to impose our will - beliefs, opinions, judgements - onto others is growing; it would seem - like at no other time in our respective democracies.

Division and separation within our society are way more evident than ever in my recollection. I'll be 82 in a few months.

I read that it's like cancer in the US.

We in Australia are in lockstep with you - just 10 to 20 years behind in our slide into mayhem.

I feel saddened and concerned that my grandchildren are not experiencing the peace, simplicity and community I grew up in following the end of World War Two.

The collective honey in our hearts seems to have gone and been replaced by the poison of being right and making others wrong.

The kindness, understanding, wisdom and common sense, a hallmark of where I grew up while still alive, is on life support.

Warmly ... John

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Beautifully expressed, John. An essay on kindness is in my writing queue so with your permission I would like to quote some of what you said in that essay.

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Thank you Barry. Of course.

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Thanks for the reminder of how on-target Reagan was much of the time, especially in the themes of his speeches. Even back then, a substantial minority of citizens hated the message, with a fury nearly as intense as it is today for Trump, who is different from Reagan in many ways but shares his general distrust of government solutions to society's ills.

Socialists despise any talk of self-responsibility; someone else is always at fault for every personal or national ill. Luckily, socialists inform us, everything can be fixed if we let the government redistribute without hindrance. Don't try to bring up historical failures of socialism; they didn't do it right. And definitely don't try to bring up the successes of capitalism: even if true, it's better for everyone to be equally poor than for everyone to be well off but some people are much richer than others.

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Thanks, JdL, for adding your insights.

To me, Trump doesn't deserve to be in the same sentence as Reagan. Trump is a poorly educated, lazy narcissist who did little to drain the swamp because he was easily flattered. Reagan read Hayek, Friedman and considered ideas. I have to admit, though, that I didn't give Reagan the appreciation he deserved in real-time.

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I don't disagree with your assessment of Trump's weaknesses. What interests me about Trump is the level of fury he evokes, often not over things I dislike him for.

I have a mixed assessment of Reagan. His speeches are often inspiring, but he delegated without much oversight things he should have kept watch over. I won't say he was as awful at picking subordinates as Trump (who is abysmal), but Reagan often seemed uninterested in much more than making pretty speeches. I'm not sure how much blame he deserves for what at the time seemed like unthinkable budget deficits; certainly to hear him tell it, he bore none at all.

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