I could easily while away the hours of my day reading your essays. Thank you for sharing your stories and words of wisdom.

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Robert, Your warm note is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

Very nice. I too derive great pleasure from hiking and from experiencing so many moments of delight unanticipated and all the more powerful for it. With a bit of care, that same feeling can spill over into the rest of life, even in mundane acts: they can become expressions of joy and creativity.

Alan Watts: seeing these excellent quotes reminds me that I should go back and read him again. The '60's were a time when this sort of wisdom was sought after; today for many, I think, the effort seems too great and any gains in wisdom seem largely pointless. And yet there is also a hunger; it's just that a sense of hopelessness in the face of the insane sweep of current events can drown it out. The message of Watts and other clear thinkers is that external events need not and should not dictate our mindset.

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Indeed, we can only pretend they are dictating our mindset. Hover real our pretend game seems, it is not.

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Agreed that reading the Watts quotes here inspires me to pull a couple of his books off the shelf for a reread. I last read "This is It" perhaps ten years or so ago. Timeless advice and perspective to be ingested there and here. Blessings to you.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

Inspiring words 🙏

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Thank you, Andre!

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

It´s been a while we´ve talked but I just gifted my dad with a print copy of your book and I really hope he enjoys it as I did reading it for the first time. Cheers. Rodrigo Hernández.

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Thanks for the kind note, Rodrigo. Please send my best to your dad. I sincerely hope he find value in my book.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

I wish I could give credit to the originator, but your essay reminded me that (especially with children!) "The days are long, but the years are short." Thank you, Barry, for yet another of your essays that betters my life. You're a treasure!

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I'm touched by your warm note. It is very meaningful to me. Thank you!

And thanks for adding the evocative quote.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

Beautiful Dr. B.

Let me recommend Andrew McCarthy's Walking With Sam. Father and Son hiking journey.

I love the White Mountains. I, too, have so many memories of my climbs and when I see your pictures and stories, it takes me there!

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Thanks for the kind note and book recommendation, Joe. I've added it to my Amazon list.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

"You do not play a sonata in order to reach the final chord." This is *such* a good framing of that idea. Thanks, Barry. Boycotting Facebook? That's normally where I share your essays.

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Thanks, Susan.

No boycott; I just posted the essay there. Where I publish, AIER, FEE, Substack is throttled by Facebook, so postings are mostly futile except of course for the few who see them.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

Very cool Barry! Thx for sharing your beautiful family and stories. I am doing better living in the moment because of it!

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Chris, I'm glad you found my essay meaningful. Thank you.

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