Thank you, Barry. Such an important reminder.

This occurred to me when my daughter and I drove upstate to witness totality at our place upstate. The notion of pursuing a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience came into question when I took note of all of the meaningful moments I was able to share with my daughter that had nothing to do with the eclipse and everything to do with being present together.

There was so much appreciation of time and nature and thoughtful conversation and even navigating moments of discomfort that felt sacred simply because we were both so present in sharing whatever experience was presenting itself.

I observed that I often find contentedness, gratitude and meaning on adventures or on vacation, but far less frequently in day-to-day life, merely because I fail to notice the sacredness of so many potentially meaningful moments. I am now wondering if it has to do with the pressure I put on myself to achieve and accomplish, to check boxes, in everyday life…

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Ann, Thank you for the kind note and beautiful testimony about presence. For sure, we all pressure ourselves when we believe that noisy narrator in our heads. And when we turn away from its bad advice, as you say, what's left is sacred. We will see beautiful passages in Man's Search for Meaning to that effect.

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Apr 15
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I appreciate the kind note, John. Thank you.

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