Some many great nuggets in this essay - love the sunglasses comment about adjusting your “view” and the sitting in the audience to watch your silly reaction to something so small - thanks Barry!

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“Inspiration seems to have a short half life”. How true for me. Friend of mine would say “ always was a will be”. Best advice for the times. Thanks Prof. B.

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Walking is a man's best



“Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.” No idea but walks are saving my soul right now


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I hear you. I carry around index cards and a pen all the time, especially when I am out for a walk.

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Thank you. So much wisdom here.

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Sep 22
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Exactly, John. Our work consists of looking past the two illusions you describe over and over again. We choose the "truth" moment by moment and thus our commitment is to never drop the process, rather than seeking "arrival." I think our work with David Reynolds in 25 will add a further dimension in our ongoing study.

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