This essay is extraordinary!!! Thank you for writing it. 🙌

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Toby, Your kindness and support is greatly appreciated. I know you read so much material, so your generous words are especially meaningful to me. Thank you for all you do!

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Very true. Congress is partly to blame, as it created these bureaucracies, but it hasn't followed through with any significant oversight since. The courts are partly to blame, as they've typically sided with Almighty Gov vs. Constitutional constraints. The Executive branch lives to boss people around, and won't stop doing so until we the people compel them to by whatever means prove necessary, apparently.

Meanwhile, it's good to remember that every generation is sure the world is going to Hell, yet it, and even humanity, have somehow managed to survive, so far. And as you say, whatever the situation in the world, finding love in our hearts and expressing kindness to others can't be beat.

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Thank you, JdL. You are spot-on; Congress has neglected its constitutional duties.

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The Supreme Court has a case this year in which they could make a ruling that can help restore the nondelegation doctrine, that Congress cannot delegate its legislative power.

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Thanks for the very exciting news, Wayne. I was unaware of the case.

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Excellent. My 23 year old son starts graduate school after taking a year off. The university is requiring all students to be vaccinated including boosters. My son is a healthy individual and exercises one hour daily. I told him I will pay for weekly testing which is an option. He’s concerned about heart ailments for young men and the CDC has said death rates from Covid is .015% from this age group. Insane on how governments and corporations wants to control every aspect of your life.

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Insane, indeed! All the best to you and your son.

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Great insights, — Statutory law as practiced in the US has made a mockery of the constitution. The only remnants still usable by the common man, i.e , for grass-roots & bottom-up governance, are the #JuryBox (and that's been whittled away by plea bargaining), and #nullification and #NonCompliance (which New Hampshire, Texas and other states and counties are finally adopting to limit #Leviathan's intrusion into every facet of life, cf., https://sanctuarycounties.com).

I do believe there's cause for rejoicing in the collapse of the last two years of #MedicalTyranny and #MedicalApartheid, but in the EU they plan to continue with the #vaxpass. I fear that if it was not so obvious that Americans pride themselves in having well-stocked #AmmoBoxes, then a repeat of the WWII Japanese internment camps might have been the fate of many of us.

Before Orwell wrote "1984" he made these observations on James Burham's "Managerial Revolution":

"English writers who consider Communism and Fascism to be the same thing [#Faucism] invariably hold that both are monstrous evils which must be fought to the death: on the other hand, any Englishman who believes Communism and Fascism to be opposites will feel that he ought to side with one or the other." Orwell, Second Thoughts on James Burham, https://orwell.ru/library/reviews/burnham/english/e_burnh.html

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Mani, Thank you for your insightful comments. Burham is new to me; I appreciate the link.

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