There seems to be a powerful desire built into human nature, to run other people's lives and to fantasize that doing so can be beneficial to humanity as a whole. Or to accept being part of a collective with few free choices, again fantasizing that doing so is beneficial. It is easy to fall into the fallacy of thinking that the only options are to be a destructive rebel or to conform to every norm. To break free of that false dichotomy requires both humility (applied to letting others run their own lives) and backbone (applied to making choices for one's own life). As you say, voluntary cooperation creates miracles.

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Very well said, JdL. Thank you for adding to my essay!

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Isn't the defining characteristic of our age the polar opposite of humility, self-interested narcissism? It seems to be subject to a self-sustaining positive feedback loop, and operates at individual and group level, to the detriment of all. When was the last time we had a public-spirited politician? When was the last time a company was swayed to act in the general good, rather than for its own profit? A lot of the current ills currently afflicting the world can be traced to self-interested corporations exerting undue influence on venal and self-aggrandising politicians and global regulatory bodies.

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Agreed; cronyism gives capitalism a bad name.

We have lost the understanding that the Founders have, human beings are weak and prone to do bad things when granted power.

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Yes it seems characteristics of narcissism are the opposite of humility. I have loved ones that I may be able to help, but their narcissism or lack of humility does not want to hear from me. Even when I experience real empathy. I sit silently listening hoping they’re open for help.

I believe that humility is second only to forgiveness when it comes to the virtues that JC exemplifies. Then I realize it hard to forgive without humility. Peace n thx for sharing!

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Chris, Thank you for adding your insights. Building real empathy is a portal; yet our primary work must be to uncover our own self-deception. Other people help us we see our projections.

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Self awareness- yes I like that.

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