This explanation of how & why incentives matter in economics should be required reading for politicians. As far as I'm concerned, any pharmaceutical company that produces vaccines or other drugs and has either been found guilty of fraud or settled a fraud case to avoid trial should automatically lose their vaccine liability immunity, which they never should have had in the first place.
It's amazing, isn't it, what doctors report all the time--their patients want an Rx each time they come in and are disappointed when they don't get one.
Honestly, this is one of the toughest ones for me. Living with this. I was pro-vaccine until a close family member and I were vaccine injured in the last few years. I since did a bunch of reading and can't believe I fell for it all (but I take full responsibility for my decisions, I allowed myself to be deceived).
And now I just want to tell everyone! - but of course, I can't without being considered an "unhinged anti-vaxxer". I don't really care what I'm called, but I want to warn people who I care about of the risks. But I have to tread so carefully in doing so so as not to be dismissed out of hand.
Thanks Prof Brownstein. Great article. Perhaps this might get through to one of my pro-vaccine close relatives who is trained in economics... or at least give him pause for thought....? I can hope!
Just read the operation warp speed one. Fantastic. Learnt a lot - especially the sections on Roger J Williams. Fascinating! Thanks Prof Brownstein.
I remember years ago reading a reflection from a doctor - she said she had two types of patients... those who would always ask what can they do to help a problem, and those who demanded a pill.
I just don't understand people who are unwilling to take any responsibility for themselves at all... they may think they're getting something for free or be pleased about their ability to manipulate others to provide for them, but I just don't see any true agency or dignity there. (And then I'm the bad guy because I lack compassion for them!)
Oh wow Prof Browstein!, that is IT! That is exactly it! I've been struggling with this lately and your comment is so illuminating.
In the last couple of years I have been fortunate to recover from multiple medical conditions for which that the mainstream medical establishment has told me, in some cases for decades, that nothing could be done. Or in other cases, I had to take a particular medication for the rest of my life.
Yet no one wants to know why, how or is even remotely interested! I was shocked. I assumed people, especially people suffering with the same conditons, would want to know of a potential option to escape their suffering... but nope! And you have answered my question as to why! Thank you!
What I find particularly challenging is raising children when this view seems to be so dominant across our society.
Surely it wasn't always so? I mean, in the past there was no welfare state.... and you just had to get on with things if you wanted to stay alive, surely that meant more people took responsibility for themselves?
(Though I'm wary of making such assumptions after learning that Seneca thought many in his era were very distracted!)
Clear concise and logical. This is not hard people. The fact that people are still tossing around the epithet ‘anti-vaxxer’ boggles the mind. Ah well…
This explanation of how & why incentives matter in economics should be required reading for politicians. As far as I'm concerned, any pharmaceutical company that produces vaccines or other drugs and has either been found guilty of fraud or settled a fraud case to avoid trial should automatically lose their vaccine liability immunity, which they never should have had in the first place.
Seriously, can you imagine trusting a Pfizer product?
It's amazing, isn't it, what doctors report all the time--their patients want an Rx each time they come in and are disappointed when they don't get one.
Honestly, this is one of the toughest ones for me. Living with this. I was pro-vaccine until a close family member and I were vaccine injured in the last few years. I since did a bunch of reading and can't believe I fell for it all (but I take full responsibility for my decisions, I allowed myself to be deceived).
And now I just want to tell everyone! - but of course, I can't without being considered an "unhinged anti-vaxxer". I don't really care what I'm called, but I want to warn people who I care about of the risks. But I have to tread so carefully in doing so so as not to be dismissed out of hand.
Thanks Prof Brownstein. Great article. Perhaps this might get through to one of my pro-vaccine close relatives who is trained in economics... or at least give him pause for thought....? I can hope!
Thanks, Kylee.
Those who don't like taking responsibility for their health decisions will never consider these arguments.
My earlier essay is more comprehensive than my current one:
This essay applies the same model to nuclear power:
Just read the operation warp speed one. Fantastic. Learnt a lot - especially the sections on Roger J Williams. Fascinating! Thanks Prof Brownstein.
I remember years ago reading a reflection from a doctor - she said she had two types of patients... those who would always ask what can they do to help a problem, and those who demanded a pill.
I just don't understand people who are unwilling to take any responsibility for themselves at all... they may think they're getting something for free or be pleased about their ability to manipulate others to provide for them, but I just don't see any true agency or dignity there. (And then I'm the bad guy because I lack compassion for them!)
Thanks, Kylee.
Sadly, they don't want you to have agency either. Why? If you can take responsibility and choose, they are reminded they can too.
Oh wow Prof Browstein!, that is IT! That is exactly it! I've been struggling with this lately and your comment is so illuminating.
In the last couple of years I have been fortunate to recover from multiple medical conditions for which that the mainstream medical establishment has told me, in some cases for decades, that nothing could be done. Or in other cases, I had to take a particular medication for the rest of my life.
Yet no one wants to know why, how or is even remotely interested! I was shocked. I assumed people, especially people suffering with the same conditons, would want to know of a potential option to escape their suffering... but nope! And you have answered my question as to why! Thank you!
Kylee, what you have observed is incredible.
This is true not only about health issues. Some (many?) want to proclaim I am not responsible for my choices. You, they or it is responsible.
The sad thing is they are really saying they are mindless and have no power of decision-making.
Yes, it's very difficult to comprehend.
What I find particularly challenging is raising children when this view seems to be so dominant across our society.
Surely it wasn't always so? I mean, in the past there was no welfare state.... and you just had to get on with things if you wanted to stay alive, surely that meant more people took responsibility for themselves?
(Though I'm wary of making such assumptions after learning that Seneca thought many in his era were very distracted!)
Thanks Prof Brownstein. I'll take a look!