Jan 15, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

“[T]he only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.” Which is why we see an ever expanding definition of ‘harm’ to include feelings and subjective impressions. Harm is what they mean when they claim ‘offence’. The insidious manipulation of language is at bottom a power play. They aren’t actually harmed. They know exactly how to subvert liberal principles by appealing to our good nature.

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Alan, You make an essential point in a very clear way. Thank you!

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Regrettably we have come to the point where folks not only keep quiet if they disagree but they actively participate in the silencin' of others. It's Lord of the Flies exacerbated by social media and food/entertainment/soma on tap--and arguably just as juvenile and deadly. No grownups to save us...

A great essay Barry, though it shines a sorry light on current Amerika, former land'o-lakes an' free speech. All stew-dents today (they ain't students by a long shot these dayz...) need to read JS Mill.

It used'ta be anyone could hold court, offer views (however unpopular) an' get a listen--cheers (Bronx included), jeers, whatevah (as we say in New Yawk)... Neither righty tighty Archie Bunker nor his polar opposite leftie loosie son-in-law Meathead were denied a soapbox (or were their neighbors, the Jeffersons!). We liked it that way! Now the local loud mouths are gone--conformity is the norm. Shakin' my head down in Dogpatch...

Though not a New Yawker (nay, a Brit!) Hitchens (always a thorny outlier) put it succinctly:

"My own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone who disagrees with this can pick a number, get in line." – Christopher Hitchens

We need more big mouths like him! Ameri-cans need to relearn the value of hearing those standing in opposition to "prevailing opinion" -- and enjoyin' them too! Were we not once a nation of outliers, novelty acts (with talent, natch), and big mouths? Wha'happened to US?

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Thank you, Daisy. I love your humor, wisdom and the Hitchens quote!

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

Another excellent column, and one which could not be more on target for addressing today's woes.

Did Mill have his finger on the pulse, or what? I read one of the quotes having missed attribution and was certain it had been written by someone observing and describing the world today. And of course in a very real sense it was, in that today's challenges closely mirror those that Mill's and every every age faces.

We who understand are charged with being courageous. We are not, after all, facing bullets or swords or a line of archers, but only the disapproval of others; accordingly we need to muster the willingness to disagree, courteously but firmly, with the prevailing nonsense of the day. Not to say that public condemnation in response doesn't hurt: it does. But we must choose to face that pain or face the collapse of genuine civilization; the stakes are that high.

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Thanks, Jdl! I couldn't have said it better.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein

Gavin Newsom, governor of California’ should read this essay. He just signed a totalitarian law which would suspend or revoke physicians licenses who disagree with the state’s directive on Covid. BTW, your essays enlighten me tremendously. I apply the wisdom to my life every day. Thanks Barry

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Mike, Thank you for the very kind note. Newsom won't be reading but it won't matter if enough people consider and act on such ideas as Mill's.

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Excellent, thought-provoking essay once again. Interesting that Mill's quote “[T]he only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others” was effectively weaponised to coerce people to become vaccinated with the experimental mRNA shots. In fact, the authorities effectively used Mill's defence of Utilitarianism in ethics as the primary persuading device for the shots: "If you take the shot you are protecting others". The problem is, if one accepts that directive unquestioningly, the individual leaves himself open to any dubious top-down medical advice, by-passing his own reasoning faculties and common sense. This emphasis of the responsibility to the collective at the expense of the individual was surely the primary impulse which led to the mass horrors of the 20th century.

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deletedJan 15, 2023Liked by Barry Brownstein
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Diane, Thank you for the kind words and for sharing your wisdom. Thanks too for pointing us to Marshall Rosenberg's important work.

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"We can think and speak and actively create a human flourishing future into existence."

This says it all. We are on the one hand powerless (I can't force Newsom to repudiate the hideous physician muzzling law, etc. etc.) and on the other hand each of us holds all the power there is. The phrase about lighting a single candle rather than cursing the darkness comes to mind.

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