Any article that quotes the great sage Thomas Sowell, has instant credibilty. Sowell also had a solution for the Jew hatred around the world. All Jews need to do in order to not be hated is for them to fail. It is the high achievement of the Jews that engenders resentment and jealousy.

Sowell published "Discrimination and Disparities" back in the 80's or 90's. In it he points out that it is not only the Jews who are hated for their relative success. To recall but two other glaring examples are the minority Tamuls in Sir Lanka and the minority Chinese in many countries in SE Asia. Envy and resentment is a recipe for a dead culture and society. We are living this out right before our eyes here in the US.

As for Marx, I remember growing up in the fairly religious South in the 60's and 70's where it was common for the word communists to be preceded with the adjective "godless". As in "those damn godless communists!" Well, it we weren't wrong to call them that.

Paul Kengor recently wrote a great biography of Marx called "The Devil and Karl Marx". In that book, Kengor shows that Marx wasn't just a run of the mill atheist. Nope, he was instead a full on worshiper of Satan. And the way that communism is designed the state must replace God and religioun.

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"godless communists" with faith only in the power of their own puny minds. Not wrong, indeed.

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I just wish that someday people who hate Jews would just be honest with themselves and stop trying to legitimize their hate with “reasons”. Just be honest.

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Great postin' Barry an' timely!--funny, I'm workin' on one with a similar topic--different angle so it's good we are adressin' the haters from all sides. Part of the problem is the ADL so-weaponzed anyone sayin' "boo" about Israel (this of course was engineered...) that now all legit instances of antisemitism (we got 'em a' puhlenty now) are dismissed as "cryin' wolf" / crocodile tears... which gives free rein to the haters...

LOVED viewin' Marx as a spoiled brat! A schnorrer! I'd never heard him so vividly "explained" (Sowell was more generous ha ha) but it all makes sense an' I daresay the kids on these camp-pusses are not only Marxists but also they are actin' like self-absorbed Marx himself ('cept not as smart); all privileged an' pampered (did ja hear the SJW gal askin' fer better catered food?! too lazy ta walk ta the Columbia Cafeteria?!) an' demandin' as all git-out. They'd be dead in a like 2 shakes of a hare under the Sharia Big Top.

BTW, some think Marx was hired ta write the Manifesto by "the Crown"--seems possible if he was already holdin' his hand out... I wonder?!

That's purdy messed up that yer greenmarket farmer asked or even cared ... my hubby's half "Oyrish" so we do both hollydaze too--back in The Rotten Apple nobuddy used ta mind at all--but since we left we see all hell's broke loose--the "River to Sea" gang held a protest right in front of my favorite health food store.... nobuddy crossed that line either! but/also nobuddy at the store asked 'em to move on... There is little push-back, not good. Rotten Apple is goin' full Krystalnacht... An' as ya likely heard/saw, there was a huge gaggle of these "scholars" at Union Square (subway station) an' they only let anti-zionists on the train. I mean in NYC?!!!! This was ALLOWED? The one place where joos could be joos.... We who had Mayor Koch!

Yup, this festerin' pool is growin' at the universities but it's also, I hear, in primary schools and... EVEN in woke homeschoolin' circles (at least some I hear). "Illiberal" is too generous... close-minded is better... Some of these kids have no clue what they're even talkin' about--I think they just like the tribal feel of campin' out in tents an' joinin' in a cathartic group gestalt therapy / primal scream 'n yell fest en plein air without havin' ta deal with ticks & bears... or lack of "decent" cell phone service. egads what have we (not "we") wrought?!

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Thanks, Daisy!

For sure, in some blue cities/state an entire generation is being brainwashed in the schools.

"What have we wrought," indeed!

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Jew Haters are invariably losers at life. Successful people don't look for scapegoats.

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Great essay Barry. I’ve read a lot of articles since 10/7 about the hatred of Jews, and a lot of articles and books for years about the communist or anti-capitalist movement (most recently Road to Serfdom). Your essay was one of the best I’ve read on capturing how closely linked both topics are, and why they are tied together. Hopefully your message will be elevated more broadly so that people who are indifferent or moderate about it will push back when they hear the divisiveness from the extreme voices.

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Neal, I appreciate the kind note. Thank you!

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Dear Barry

Thank you.

As an only child, with a father that worked as an illegal bookmaker, growing up on the wrong side of the tracks, leaving school at 15 and as an uneducated person from a poor background my life has not been easy.

Approaching 83 and having created a successful business, travelling the world including 33 visits to your country, meeting and spending time with folk from all walks of life and from both sides of the tracks I feel qualified to make a pitch for a world getting a fresh start - a new beginning.

I finished writing what follows this morning, Perth time in Australia.

Forgive me if I've over steped the mark.


The world can only change one person at a time and won’t until we do

Continue reading if you want to create a world where those four precious qualities prevail in your reality – your life, family, community, and country.

But first, read what those four powerful words mean.

Or skip the definitions and dig into how you and I create a utopian world, starting with: HOW WE - YOU AND I - CREATE A UTOPIAN WORLD.


‘The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.’ Socrates

Kindness means our unconditional and heartfelt goodwill and gentleness towards all forms of life and who we are rather than who we would like to be.

We reflect our kindness in our consideration and respect for all our fellow humans, all other sentient creatures, all flora, waterways, oceans, the air we breathe, and the Earth we till, mine, build on and pave over and is unconditional.

Understanding: our openness of mind and heart to all familiar and foreign to us expands to be all-inclusive.

We look at every idea, principle, fact, and piece of information openheartedly, free from belief, opinion, judgment, and all prior knowledge.

We look at everyone and everything from that state of genuine understanding – to neither agree nor disagree but to understand the other’s reality unshackled of our beliefs, opinions, judgements and knowledge.

Wisdom: we see the world through our existing knowledge – our condition makes it so - but with the heartfelt kindness and understanding described above. And with the genuine common sense described hereunder.

It is a state of mind where we stand for ‘the common good’ as best we can see to do in any given moment.

Common sense: this quality does not diminish nor negate the power of the preceding three innate human qualities.

Like wisdom, our heart-connected common sense keeps us grounded in our kindness while understanding our own and humankind’s frailties.


Our reality is an inside-out creation, not an outside-in creation.

I put to you there is only one way.

That way is your way.

The only way is your way.

Only you can create a world where kindness, understanding, wisdom, and common sense prevail.

A transformative insight I often share is this: It is never them, those, that, or it that is creating our reality - our world.

It is us – you and me. We are at cause in the reality we live in.

We manifest our world, and consequently the world, from the reality in which we live.

I repeat, it is not them, those, that, or it – no matter what they, those circumstances, or whatever ‘it’ may represent or present.

You, me, and Mother Machrie – each of us – create the reality and the world we experience and live in.

So, how do we get a fresh start?

How do we transform our experience of reality?

How do we wake up in the reality of inflicting no harm – one of kindness, understanding, wisdom and common sense?

To see what is, is to create and manifest such a world.

It is a simple but probably the most challenging step for any person.

What follows is how to create such a world of kindness, understanding, wisdom, and common sense –

I suspect this is the only way.


Our beliefs, opinions, judgements, and knowledge are not the truth. They are our stumbling blocks to seeing into The Realm of Possibility.

Release your grip on each belief, opinion, judgement, and scrap of knowledge you have accumulated to this point in your life – including what you are reading here.

Be sure to include that or those beliefs you are certain are the truth!

That clears the way from your imagined self to your true self.

Surender to the unknown – the yet-to-be-seen and realise what is.

Experiencing the unknown releases you from the reality of your memories – the good, bad and indifferent.

Intentionally unshackle yourself from all religious, political, philosophical, spiritual, scientific or claptrap truths you consciously or unconsciously hold, including what you read here.

Have them, if you must, but have them without them having you as being the truth.

Understand this article does not represent the truth. It is a signpost pointing to your inner world of unconditional kindness, understanding, wisdom, common sense, and so much more.

Only by surrendering your past, from a nanosecond ago, can you enter the realm of the yet-to-be-seen - The Realm of Possibility.

Freed of your accumulation, the realm of impossibility, you will now see through the veil of your conditioned mind.

In that state, you transcend your lifelong accumulation of this, that, and the other – the circular loop you occupy daily.

Released in 1993, the movie Groundhog Day humorously, poignantly, beautifully laid out for all to witness our transformation – I suspect without those involved realising the profundity of what they were portraying.

Surrender your past and be free to experience your innate kindness, understanding, wisdom and common sense.

And the good news is that those universally understood human qualities are inherent in each of us. It is who you are.

We only need to see the illusion of the past to transcend it. That conditioning, our lifelong accumulation, is all that gets in the way of peace on Earth.

You discover who you really are by letting go of who you think you are.

Your world will transform to the precise degree you do.

Warmly … John

Postscript: By understanding what you have just read, you will see the innocence in yourself – no matter your past - and, therefore, in others – no matter their past or what they are doing today.

You will see that every human does the best they can see or see to do at any moment in time given their state of consciousness – their degree of awareness that each of us is creating our reality and, therefore, our relationships – with ourselves, each other, with nature and with the world.

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Thank you for your wisdom, John. Much appreciated!

"Only you can create a world where kindness, understanding, wisdom, and common sense prevail." Amen!

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Thank you Barry! Your contribution goes on and on. Love ... John

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Jews are hated for being communists and capitalists. Either way. Hated.

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Jul 10
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Thanks for your insights and book recommendation.

You might appreciate my series based on three part series on Sebastian Haffner's memoirs: https://mindsetshifts.substack.com/p/why-ordinary-people-enable-totalitarians

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