As a former native Californian, I can attest to the chaos brought to average everyday Americans, thanks to the Democratic One-Party Rule. The Coastal Elites justified the destruction as a more “Inclusive Society,” which will serve as a model nationwide.

I abandoned my native state in 2015 to save my family from the resulting crime and impossible prices of gasoline, et al.

You are correct Professor Brownstein.

One-Party Rule will be the order of the day unless ordinary Americans embrace the moral wisdom of our Founders, rather than parade around the latest Tik-Tok meme.

Donald Trump is only a man who at times can’t seem to get out of his own way. But the aspirations and themes of the message are critical to the survival of this nation for ordinary Americans, not just the Coastal “Elite Justice Crowd.

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As another former native Californian who has had to walk away, I concur. Leaving my home behind has been a long and difficult process. I moved to NC in 1978 but my emotional, and family ties, had remained until last Fall when I returned for a visit after COVID restrictions were lifted. It was horrendous. I found that returning was no longer an option (although one sister is still there).

I agree totally with Brownstein's assessment of the situation in our country, the dangers the Democrats pose to the destruction of our Constitutional principles and ignorance of so many about the importance of their safeguards against dictatorship, and why trying to keep a Republican in office for now is important. I only regret that Trump is that choice and have been warning so many that he's not the savior they think, he's just a placeholder until hopefully someone more worthy comes along (and Vance ain't it).

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Thank you for your testimony!

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I so wish it were not true.

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Outstanding essay - thank you Barry - many people need to read this!

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Agree. I will print it out and include a QR code to link it for curious minds when I set out on Tuesday to give away pocket Constitutions for Constitution Day, 9/17. Will also be joining the reading of "The Road to Serfdom", looking forward to that (already on Chap. 2!)

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Thanks, Boze.

I'm glad your onboard for Hayek.

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Thank you, Pete.

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I could never understand how a weak candidate such as Trump can ever be perceived as a savior. He lost every election since his one off victory in 2016. People have spoken so many times yet the protectors of democracy fail to heed the message. Carry on, keep on loosing. For all the faults of democrats, they are still capable to recognize and what is more important to address their weaknesses. Case in point is Harris for Biden swap. Such action would be impossible under Trump hold of GOP! Democrats fall in love, GOP falls in line! Later is more dangerous for democracy.

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You should stay in your lane with your excellent insights about humanity and not alienate your subscribers with your politics. I have unsubscribed.

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David, I appreciate your kind words about some of my essays. If you read on, you will see that the essay is not so much about politics but about the principles that preserve a free society. Without a free society, few of us will have the space to consider ideas about how to flourish in our lives.

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Agreed. Some editing to neutralize your personal commentary about specific people and concentrate on the subject of free society would be a thoughtful move. There are ample examples to support your thesis without using politics, which can be seen as clickbait.

I may reconsider as I have been a good supporter of your substack.

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David I hope you will reconsider. I understand we are inundated with election observations, but many are shallow or hackneyed observations. But if I respect a persons writings and ideas, as I do Barry’s, I do like to hear what they have to say about the election whether I agree with them or not. I think Barry did bring unique observations about the candidates and did tie them to his observations about humanity. Hopefully you will re-examine your initial thoughts about the essay, though I understand your initial reaction to it.

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He is in his lane… always has been. You need to grow a thicker skin and a spine

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An insult from you is a compliment.

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Don't go! All voices are needed, esp. when it is one of dissent.

Btw, it is ok to criticize Trump as it is to criticize any politician. That is our duty as Citizens. As long as the criticism is well thought out, and not just a jumble of insults. My $0.02.

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Free speech is to be protected; mostly, those words you don’t like. Everyone wants to protect speech they agree with.

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There is a difference between free speech and insults.

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Thank you. You will be missed.

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