Bill Gates and Trudeau are similar to this writer in The Free Press who states he is a Marxist who espouses Marxism, which killed over 100 million people. God help us on these extreme philosophical failures which will doom mankind
Gates is such a vile little toad, and I am glad you called him out here. It would not surprise me to see him in the near future, standing in front of an international tribunal for a possible genocide of his blithe creation. Other than all that rant from me, it was a very forthright and just article from you, and thanks.
It's strange that no matter how much money Gates 'gives away' though his various 'philanthropic' investment vehicles, it makes absolutely no dent in his personal fortune. If anything, he gets richer and richer. Could he be using his philanthropy as a cover to capture favourable media coverage, regulatory agencies and academic teams in order to create markets for his dystopian schemes and diverse investments? After all, that was what he was best at with Microsoft: creating monopoly markets.
The symptoms of a psychopathic narcissist, according to my friends who specialise in this arena, Barry!
Sadly, they say the condition has no cure and the only way to keep the narcissist in check is to undermine them at every opportunity, which can put a dent in their egotism and slow them down.
I have read with interest what Larry Ellison (who is no shrinking violet himself) has said about Gates over the years. No love lost there!
In 2017, Gates warned, "HUNDREDS of millions could be wiped out by viruses that have been genetically engineered by terrorists. Technological and scientific advances are allowing terror groups to turn viruses into bio weapons of mass destruction. That makes bioterrorism a bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war. Natural epidemics can be extremely large. Intentionally caused epidemics, bioterrorism, would be the largest of all."
It's interesting to pick the bones out of those statements, especially when we consider the last sentence, when we were told in 2020 that the largest virus outbreak came from a wet market and it was ridiculous to say that ground zero could have been either of Wuhan's two research establishments which studied bat viruses (and also ignoring the statistical likelihood of Wuhan wet market being the source having avoided China's 40,000 plus other wet markets).
Your essays are so important to get people to think and hopefully share.
Bill Gates and Trudeau are similar to this writer in The Free Press who states he is a Marxist who espouses Marxism, which killed over 100 million people. God help us on these extreme philosophical failures which will doom mankind
Gates is such a vile little toad, and I am glad you called him out here. It would not surprise me to see him in the near future, standing in front of an international tribunal for a possible genocide of his blithe creation. Other than all that rant from me, it was a very forthright and just article from you, and thanks.
It's strange that no matter how much money Gates 'gives away' though his various 'philanthropic' investment vehicles, it makes absolutely no dent in his personal fortune. If anything, he gets richer and richer. Could he be using his philanthropy as a cover to capture favourable media coverage, regulatory agencies and academic teams in order to create markets for his dystopian schemes and diverse investments? After all, that was what he was best at with Microsoft: creating monopoly markets.
The symptoms of a psychopathic narcissist, according to my friends who specialise in this arena, Barry!
Sadly, they say the condition has no cure and the only way to keep the narcissist in check is to undermine them at every opportunity, which can put a dent in their egotism and slow them down.
I have read with interest what Larry Ellison (who is no shrinking violet himself) has said about Gates over the years. No love lost there!
In 2017, Gates warned, "HUNDREDS of millions could be wiped out by viruses that have been genetically engineered by terrorists. Technological and scientific advances are allowing terror groups to turn viruses into bio weapons of mass destruction. That makes bioterrorism a bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war. Natural epidemics can be extremely large. Intentionally caused epidemics, bioterrorism, would be the largest of all."
It's interesting to pick the bones out of those statements, especially when we consider the last sentence, when we were told in 2020 that the largest virus outbreak came from a wet market and it was ridiculous to say that ground zero could have been either of Wuhan's two research establishments which studied bat viruses (and also ignoring the statistical likelihood of Wuhan wet market being the source having avoided China's 40,000 plus other wet markets).
Your essays are so important to get people to think and hopefully share.
Peter, Thank you for the kind note and for your added insights.
Narcissism: a very dangerous condition that the narcissist is never aware of - beware! (Thx Barry)