America desperately needs a Milei. But unfortunately I believe the current cycle is towards much more collectivism. Americans will need to suffer a great deal more before they become sick and tired of collectivist delusions brought about by “Saviours” like Obama, Trump, RFK...
Ron Paul was America’s potential Milei. But he was WAY ahead of his time. I think the curent collective unconscious in America is seeking another authoritarian like FDR. Not a Milei. Argentina currently operates in a different cycle. Maybe America will have its Milei in a generation or two.
Will, I agree, authoritarianism is the by far the most likely outcome.
Yet, I see RFK Jr as a step in the right direction. Honesty is the first step to change and I believe he is an honest man who works on overcoming his demons.
He will at the very least push back hard at Big Pharma, censorship and warmongers
What you describe when a federal agency is forced to cut some portion of its budget in order for saving to occur is called "The Washington Monument Gambit". The Department of the Interior tells all of its various agencies to cut some % of "fat, corruption, waste and duplication".
The director of the National Parks Service, who should start by furloughing employees in the D.C. office and regional offices around the nation that employ thousand of bureaucrats, not one of whom knows how to produce a damn thing!!!
Instead, the Director will call a press conference and announce dourly that here to for, unless and until the NPS gets proper "funding", all national parks, monuments and all other places open to the public will be closed until further notice. Keep in mind, that most of these "Parks" and "Monuments" are revenue GENERATORS by way of the fees that they impose.
By now most Americans have heard the infamous World Economic Forum phrase “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” But how do global elites and central bankers intend to roll out this diabolical scheme? Well, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) mapped it out in their recently published report on a proposed “unified ledger” called, “Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new.”
In simple terms, the BIS’ blueprint proposes that all private property in the real world, such as money, houses, cars, etc., would be “tokenized” into digital assets within an “everything in one place” global unified ledger. CBDCs would be “core to the functioning” of this tokenized world and serve as the reserve currency on the unified ledger. Transactions between CBDCs and tokenized assets, which represent real-world assets, would operate seamlessly through smart contracts, on one programmable platform.
Each token representing a real-world asset in this digital space would contain a large amount of data received from the real world in real time about what it is, who it belongs to, etc., as well as rules on how that particular asset can and cannot be used. The BIS explains how these rules are set up by “directly embedding supervisory features into the token itself, which can be tailored to specific rules.”
The main takeaway of this BIS blueprint is that whatever happens in their dystopian digital world, has legally binding impacts on assets in the real world. So, maybe the WEF’s catch phrase should be “You may own digital tokens, but we will control the real assets.”
While the American people are too "dumb-down" to recognize they have lost, by default, their inheritance. Not unlike Esau trading his inheritance for a bowl of beans.
My humble recommendation is to prepare for a hot civil war.
It is my humble opinion that our Constitutional Republic permanently fell during the 2016 presidential election cycle on July 5 when FBI Director James Comey “exonerated” Hillary Clinton for the illegal server and the thousands of her classified emails. At that point in American history, the “rule of law” in the USA began its demise and because the constitutional provisions for remedy to the ensuing felonious acts and omissions (think FISA Court - “Crossfire Hurricane”) of James Comey, (et al) were never pursued; our Constitutional Republic has fallen and is irreparable…... and the 2022 FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago along with the four unconstitutional indictments of Donald J. Trump is my proof.
Please be cognizant: The Comey/Hillary Clinton "exoneration" was three weeks prior to a July 2016 Oval Office meeting orchestrated by President Barack Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett and attended by Vice President Joe Biden, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, national security adviser Susan Rice and CIA Director John Brennan. According to CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes, Brennan informed attendees of “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of “a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” In other words, a scandal about collusion with Russia. According to a CIA memo, the intent of this plan was “distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” Later it was shown that the plan was enacted via the Steele dossier, which Robby Mook, Clinton’s former campaign director, acknowledged under oath in 2022 to have procured. So explosive were Brennan’s notes that U.S. senators needed a federal court order, issued four years after Obama’s Oval Office meeting, to wrest a copy of it from the Department of Justice. Released along with Brennan’s notes was a copy of a CIA memo sent to FBI Director James Comey and Peter Strzok, (the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division and manager of FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane”), delineating the Barack Hussein Obama’s Oval Office meeting’s discussion.
Therefore as We the People encounter the 2024 election cycle, it is wise to conduct yourselves as living is a “Post-Constitutional Republic”. I compare it to the time of Jesus Christ living in Roman occupied Jerusalem.
You may be right, I may be crazy, but it just may be a lunatic your looking for... Wait, this isn't a Billy Joel blog.
Still, that was a seminal moment but there have been others. It is hard to spot the EXACT SPOT where we lost the country. A better case can be made that the Left's long march thru the institutions had a greater impact.
Regardless, we are here and it doesn't look good getting back to where we need to be.
Mark S Griffith: Did you know the United Nations is planning to seize “global emergency powers" with President Joe Biden’s support? It's true. Under a shocking new plan that is scheduled to be adopted two months before the U.S. presidential election in 2024, all it would take is some sort of a major “global shock”, for immediately enabling the United Nations to literally take political authority over the entire planet. A July 4 article (link below) in The Federalist first broke the story. Unfortunately the mainstream/Pravda media in the United States is not covering this at all, so most people have absolutely no idea this is going on. To many readers this may sound like a conspiracy theory, but this is actually what is being planned at the United Nations and the Biden administration is fully behind this insidious plan.
In the month of September 2024, UN global representatives will gather for “the Summit of the Future”, and during that conference UN member states are scheduled to officially ratify a “Pact for the Future”. Once enacted, the “Pact for the Future” grants global powers to the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform” - a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as; “major climatic event,” “future pandemic risks,” a “global digital connectivity disruption,” “major event in outer space,” and generic “unforeseen risks”, (‘black swan’ events).”
The proposal is the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the United Nations. If approved, the United States and the inalienable rights guaranteed in the US Constitution would cease to exist:
Carl, you are the poster child for the black pill swallowers! Enough already. While I won't go into refuting your words, at this point they serve only to depress, demoralize and defeat. The future is still unwritten; plans rarely go according to the blueprints, and the human spirit is indomitable.
Let me split the difference. "The future is still unwritten; plans rarely go according to the blueprints, and the human spirit is indomitable." 100%. Thank goodness!
Yet being aware of what we are up against helps us recommit to our ongoing work of attending to our spirit. The more us who do this work, the higher the odds that humanity will flourish.
Milei is a clown, sadly in the same vein as Turdo an' Zelensky--all "act-teurs".... Sure he started with some nice libertarian rhetoric but he's a WEF "Infiltrate Ze Cabinets" darlin' goin' back in full reverse on most've what he'd promised--not holdin' my breath here:
At the WEF he delivered a message they don't want to hear (thanks for the link). In part:
"We're here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause. Do believe me: no one is in better place than us, Argentines, to testify to these two points.
Thirty five years after we adopted the model of freedom, back in 1860, we became a leading world power. And when we embraced collectivism over the course of the last 100 years, we saw how our citizens started to become systematically impoverished, and we dropped to spot number 140 globally.
But before having the discussion, it would first be important for us to take a look at the data that demonstrate why free enterprise capitalism is not just the only possible system to end world poverty, but also that it's the only morally desirable system to achieve this."
I hope so too but seein' this man in costumes (not unlike Turd-o in Oh Canada) puts 'im in clown world (like Zelensky too)--undignified fer sure! The speech ya shared "sounds good" but I'm hearin' conflictin' stuff 'bout his policies AND (imo) most WEF participation sets off alarm bells... I heard that in Italy, Meloni did the same bait-'n-switch--she "gave" good speeches an' then went back on many've the campaign promises... I hope Meloni Baloney won't be repeated in Argentina... The GOOD news is folks are tryin' ta vote away from the Color Revolution Hucksters--the bad news is that some'a the "better canidates" seem ta be Color Revolution Hucksters in disguise...
Well, if in the USA "we the people" supported constitutional government, it wouldn't matter so much how pure someone was. We don't and so it seems to matter a great deal. The real problem is the "we don't."
good "pernt"--I think more 'n half the nation wants this (the other half's all but given up...) but everyone's so durned apathetic (per Frankin, they didn't do much ta "keep it!"). I myself don't know what-ta-do other than write my stacks, talk ta folks in person--an' write my "reps" (who only respond in the generic--did they read my letters?)--also did anti-mandate rallies. Some say this is jus' spinnin' my wheels--mebbe so. I think lot've us do wanna do sum'thin' but we don't have a big enuf audience / tall 'nuff soapbox an' are at a loss. Town squares are sadly a thing've the past--an' now they'll record / track every face of those showin' up in person so they got folks fearful (we know someone who went to J6 an' wuz not even that close ta the Cappy-Toll an' they totally ERASED all that wuz on his phone that day--not jus' the footage but all data, messages, contact... so it makes sense that folks are a bit protest-shy!
Those that don't even make an effort imo got spoiled like tater salad left out in the sun--too long unattended, ignored--
Then there's them youn'uns--lackin' history classes, lackin' civics--we homeschool but we've met skoolkids that cain't even name the presidents. No clue 'bout our nation OR the consty-tution or what we're losin'--amazes me! Gubbamint skools need an overhaul--or just the dumpster--but they played a big role (Charlotte Iserbyte got that down right--yer familiar with her, yes?)
America desperately needs a Milei. But unfortunately I believe the current cycle is towards much more collectivism. Americans will need to suffer a great deal more before they become sick and tired of collectivist delusions brought about by “Saviours” like Obama, Trump, RFK...
Ron Paul was America’s potential Milei. But he was WAY ahead of his time. I think the curent collective unconscious in America is seeking another authoritarian like FDR. Not a Milei. Argentina currently operates in a different cycle. Maybe America will have its Milei in a generation or two.
Will, I agree, authoritarianism is the by far the most likely outcome.
Yet, I see RFK Jr as a step in the right direction. Honesty is the first step to change and I believe he is an honest man who works on overcoming his demons.
He will at the very least push back hard at Big Pharma, censorship and warmongers
What you describe when a federal agency is forced to cut some portion of its budget in order for saving to occur is called "The Washington Monument Gambit". The Department of the Interior tells all of its various agencies to cut some % of "fat, corruption, waste and duplication".
The director of the National Parks Service, who should start by furloughing employees in the D.C. office and regional offices around the nation that employ thousand of bureaucrats, not one of whom knows how to produce a damn thing!!!
Instead, the Director will call a press conference and announce dourly that here to for, unless and until the NPS gets proper "funding", all national parks, monuments and all other places open to the public will be closed until further notice. Keep in mind, that most of these "Parks" and "Monuments" are revenue GENERATORS by way of the fees that they impose.
Sad thing is, it always works.
So true.
By now most Americans have heard the infamous World Economic Forum phrase “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” But how do global elites and central bankers intend to roll out this diabolical scheme? Well, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) mapped it out in their recently published report on a proposed “unified ledger” called, “Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old, enabling the new.”
In simple terms, the BIS’ blueprint proposes that all private property in the real world, such as money, houses, cars, etc., would be “tokenized” into digital assets within an “everything in one place” global unified ledger. CBDCs would be “core to the functioning” of this tokenized world and serve as the reserve currency on the unified ledger. Transactions between CBDCs and tokenized assets, which represent real-world assets, would operate seamlessly through smart contracts, on one programmable platform.
Each token representing a real-world asset in this digital space would contain a large amount of data received from the real world in real time about what it is, who it belongs to, etc., as well as rules on how that particular asset can and cannot be used. The BIS explains how these rules are set up by “directly embedding supervisory features into the token itself, which can be tailored to specific rules.”
The main takeaway of this BIS blueprint is that whatever happens in their dystopian digital world, has legally binding impacts on assets in the real world. So, maybe the WEF’s catch phrase should be “You may own digital tokens, but we will control the real assets.”
FYI: See this Ed Griffin interview:
The Leviathan DEEP STATE must feed itself:
While the American people are too "dumb-down" to recognize they have lost, by default, their inheritance. Not unlike Esau trading his inheritance for a bowl of beans.
My humble recommendation is to prepare for a hot civil war.
Carl, Will do our best to prevent the worst.
It is my humble opinion that our Constitutional Republic permanently fell during the 2016 presidential election cycle on July 5 when FBI Director James Comey “exonerated” Hillary Clinton for the illegal server and the thousands of her classified emails. At that point in American history, the “rule of law” in the USA began its demise and because the constitutional provisions for remedy to the ensuing felonious acts and omissions (think FISA Court - “Crossfire Hurricane”) of James Comey, (et al) were never pursued; our Constitutional Republic has fallen and is irreparable…... and the 2022 FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago along with the four unconstitutional indictments of Donald J. Trump is my proof.
Please be cognizant: The Comey/Hillary Clinton "exoneration" was three weeks prior to a July 2016 Oval Office meeting orchestrated by President Barack Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett and attended by Vice President Joe Biden, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, national security adviser Susan Rice and CIA Director John Brennan. According to CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes, Brennan informed attendees of “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of “a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” In other words, a scandal about collusion with Russia. According to a CIA memo, the intent of this plan was “distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” Later it was shown that the plan was enacted via the Steele dossier, which Robby Mook, Clinton’s former campaign director, acknowledged under oath in 2022 to have procured. So explosive were Brennan’s notes that U.S. senators needed a federal court order, issued four years after Obama’s Oval Office meeting, to wrest a copy of it from the Department of Justice. Released along with Brennan’s notes was a copy of a CIA memo sent to FBI Director James Comey and Peter Strzok, (the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division and manager of FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane”), delineating the Barack Hussein Obama’s Oval Office meeting’s discussion.
Therefore as We the People encounter the 2024 election cycle, it is wise to conduct yourselves as living is a “Post-Constitutional Republic”. I compare it to the time of Jesus Christ living in Roman occupied Jerusalem.
Will CBDCs destroy what's left of freedom in the world?
You may be right, I may be crazy, but it just may be a lunatic your looking for... Wait, this isn't a Billy Joel blog.
Still, that was a seminal moment but there have been others. It is hard to spot the EXACT SPOT where we lost the country. A better case can be made that the Left's long march thru the institutions had a greater impact.
Regardless, we are here and it doesn't look good getting back to where we need to be.
Mark S Griffith: Did you know the United Nations is planning to seize “global emergency powers" with President Joe Biden’s support? It's true. Under a shocking new plan that is scheduled to be adopted two months before the U.S. presidential election in 2024, all it would take is some sort of a major “global shock”, for immediately enabling the United Nations to literally take political authority over the entire planet. A July 4 article (link below) in The Federalist first broke the story. Unfortunately the mainstream/Pravda media in the United States is not covering this at all, so most people have absolutely no idea this is going on. To many readers this may sound like a conspiracy theory, but this is actually what is being planned at the United Nations and the Biden administration is fully behind this insidious plan.
In the month of September 2024, UN global representatives will gather for “the Summit of the Future”, and during that conference UN member states are scheduled to officially ratify a “Pact for the Future”. Once enacted, the “Pact for the Future” grants global powers to the U.N. plan for a new “emergency platform” - a stunning proposal to give the U.N. significant powers in the event of future “global shocks,” such as; “major climatic event,” “future pandemic risks,” a “global digital connectivity disruption,” “major event in outer space,” and generic “unforeseen risks”, (‘black swan’ events).”
The proposal is the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the United Nations. If approved, the United States and the inalienable rights guaranteed in the US Constitution would cease to exist:
Carl, you are the poster child for the black pill swallowers! Enough already. While I won't go into refuting your words, at this point they serve only to depress, demoralize and defeat. The future is still unwritten; plans rarely go according to the blueprints, and the human spirit is indomitable.
Boze: Denial is not a river in Egypt.
Let me split the difference. "The future is still unwritten; plans rarely go according to the blueprints, and the human spirit is indomitable." 100%. Thank goodness!
Yet being aware of what we are up against helps us recommit to our ongoing work of attending to our spirit. The more us who do this work, the higher the odds that humanity will flourish.
Milei is a clown, sadly in the same vein as Turdo an' Zelensky--all "act-teurs".... Sure he started with some nice libertarian rhetoric but he's a WEF "Infiltrate Ze Cabinets" darlin' goin' back in full reverse on most've what he'd promised--not holdin' my breath here:
an' this...
Sadly he's a fool in foolscap... I think we'd all had a bit more hope...
Thus n' sich I prefer Edna St. Vincent "Millay"
I sure hope you are wrong but time will tell.
At the WEF he delivered a message they don't want to hear (thanks for the link). In part:
"We're here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause. Do believe me: no one is in better place than us, Argentines, to testify to these two points.
Thirty five years after we adopted the model of freedom, back in 1860, we became a leading world power. And when we embraced collectivism over the course of the last 100 years, we saw how our citizens started to become systematically impoverished, and we dropped to spot number 140 globally.
But before having the discussion, it would first be important for us to take a look at the data that demonstrate why free enterprise capitalism is not just the only possible system to end world poverty, but also that it's the only morally desirable system to achieve this."
I hope so too but seein' this man in costumes (not unlike Turd-o in Oh Canada) puts 'im in clown world (like Zelensky too)--undignified fer sure! The speech ya shared "sounds good" but I'm hearin' conflictin' stuff 'bout his policies AND (imo) most WEF participation sets off alarm bells... I heard that in Italy, Meloni did the same bait-'n-switch--she "gave" good speeches an' then went back on many've the campaign promises... I hope Meloni Baloney won't be repeated in Argentina... The GOOD news is folks are tryin' ta vote away from the Color Revolution Hucksters--the bad news is that some'a the "better canidates" seem ta be Color Revolution Hucksters in disguise...
Well, if in the USA "we the people" supported constitutional government, it wouldn't matter so much how pure someone was. We don't and so it seems to matter a great deal. The real problem is the "we don't."
good "pernt"--I think more 'n half the nation wants this (the other half's all but given up...) but everyone's so durned apathetic (per Frankin, they didn't do much ta "keep it!"). I myself don't know what-ta-do other than write my stacks, talk ta folks in person--an' write my "reps" (who only respond in the generic--did they read my letters?)--also did anti-mandate rallies. Some say this is jus' spinnin' my wheels--mebbe so. I think lot've us do wanna do sum'thin' but we don't have a big enuf audience / tall 'nuff soapbox an' are at a loss. Town squares are sadly a thing've the past--an' now they'll record / track every face of those showin' up in person so they got folks fearful (we know someone who went to J6 an' wuz not even that close ta the Cappy-Toll an' they totally ERASED all that wuz on his phone that day--not jus' the footage but all data, messages, contact... so it makes sense that folks are a bit protest-shy!
Those that don't even make an effort imo got spoiled like tater salad left out in the sun--too long unattended, ignored--
Then there's them youn'uns--lackin' history classes, lackin' civics--we homeschool but we've met skoolkids that cain't even name the presidents. No clue 'bout our nation OR the consty-tution or what we're losin'--amazes me! Gubbamint skools need an overhaul--or just the dumpster--but they played a big role (Charlotte Iserbyte got that down right--yer familiar with her, yes?)