For all you folks who read this piece, and other good ones like it, and nodded approvingly in agreement with Barry...and then vote Democrat...

All I can say is..."you voted for this". As Menken said (and I paraphrase), "The people have spoken and now the people are going to get what they voted for...good and hard"

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Sadly, young people can get a graduate degree in economics without ever reading Hayek. Of course, they are all fed a healthy diet of Marx.

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A good postin' Barry. As the late great Dean Martin once crooned, "Ain't that'a Kick in the Head"--which jus'ta 'bout describes the 2 headed monster of DEI an' "Social Justice" -- enjoyed the coverage of Doyle an' Hayek (the former unknown ta me the latter only a mite familiar). Folks always ignore the Cassandras! But takin' 'bout kicks in the head, did'ja know that "Social Justice" was also the name of the most fascist anti-semitic movement in America ('fore it became AmeriKa)? Yup, the bane of my fambly's existence, ol' Father Coughlin (we're a mix've motown an' big apple-erz), the man that caused all've 'em ta change their names an' never buy Fords--coined the term "Social Justice" fer his "special" group of American Fascist Heroes... incredible, no?

Here'z the "Jewish Plot ta Ban Social Justice" (ha, this'd confuse the SJW's of today no end!--specifically from river to sea...)


Easy ta find puhlenty on the infamous Father C of the airwaves but this feller seems ta have a good take on the man (if ya kin call 'im that) an' his Social Justice movement that lasted for at least a couple decades...


Today's DEI Commissars are also "priests" cuz DEI's a new religion--with many've us bein' ex-communicated!

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Wow! Thanks for the kind words and thanks for the fascinating history lesson.

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