Once again, you have managed to reach my deepest regrets as a practicing physician. There is a culture in the United States and within impatient, crowded societies that leaves no time for thinking. As corporations with consumerism attitudes have invaded our noble profession, aided by a patronizing, enabling government, we have been sacrificing our ability to think, as individuals, with freedom from fear of persecution or consequences. A recipe for self-destruction?

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Brad, I appreciate your eloquent and wise comments. Your might enjoy the Time to Think series by Nancy Kline: https://amzn.to/3PuqCYH

With your permission I will look to use your comments in a future essay?

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TY. Yes, permission without reservations.

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I am not a US citizen and I do not live in the US but from what I read about politics in the US I guess the only thing left is to pray...but as far as covid policies is concern yes you still have civil disobedience as a rightful possibility.

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Indeed, pray for the wisdom to change our minds.

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Thank you Barry for your excellent and rational writing.

At the time the impacts of the COVID vaccine mandate was unfolding, it was this type of rational thinking (written here so well by you) that kept me grounded from abandoning the rational scientific method that was a foundational basis of my clinical education.

It is psychologically reassuring to see that slowly, there is high quality learning activity that is taking place to restore sane clinical decision making.

I am grateful for your efforts of writing for the masses in this regard. May God bless us as we advocate for ourselves and simply refuse to cave in to unjust demands.

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Robert, Thank you for the touching and generous note! I'm honored that you find my work so valuable.

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The Federation of State Medical Boards, a private and secretive organization formed in 1912 has captured medical regulatory agencies globally. They are behind the gagging of doctors trying to speak the truth. Search Rumble, Freenz, Dooley, fsmb

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Thank you Bruce for the pointer to the Federation of State Medical Boards.

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Thx again Barry for putting the message all together in a short article. We must spread the word and share with our loved ones - each and everyone of us. It’s called “Pray with your feet moving.” This evil must stop, and I truly believe it can. Peace, blessings and thx again!

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Chris, Sadly, evil can go for more time than we would like if we remain silent.

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Tremendous essay!

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Thank you, Edward.

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I remember once consulting an alternative practitioner and the practitioner saying that all anyone wants to do is help. Agreed. And appreciated. But the comment was made as a kind of defense. I realized in that moment that the biggest obstacle we all face is in our ability to recognize when we make mistakes, when what we believed turns out to be not true and what we practiced turned out to not help (and perhaps even harm). Guilt is a huge obstacle. Ego, in the sense of a defensive belief in one's goodness, and a clinging to an idea of oneself as helping, is a huge obstacle. What if it was simply true that we are good, and our intention IS to help, but, as creatures designed to learn and grow, we make mistakes, too?

"Reversing errors is not easy. Prasad and Cifu explained,

'It is very hard to accept evidence that something you have done for patients, something that you truly believed was beneficial, is not useful. The evidence is even harder to accept when you have been well compensated for your work. Because of this, acceptance of medical reversals is never easy and opposition to them is usually passionate.' "

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Beautifully expressed, Ellen. Thank you for sharing.

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“Did government mandates and lockdowns make us safer or less safe during COVID? Healthier or less healthy?” Excellent question for the masses.

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