I am reminded by this excellent piece of an exchange in Series 4(E9) of Yellowstone when Jimmy is talking at a horse show in Texas with two experienced cowboys who tell him „This ain‘t cowboying, this is just showing off. It is good, but it is not cowboying. The best ride of my life, the best cow I ever worked was in a field west end of Texas and nobody ever saw it. Not a soul. - Cowboying ain‘t no spectator sport. Your best rides are no-one is looking.“

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That's a great quote. Thank you!

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I think kaizen is exactly what Jordan Peterson is talking about when he says clean your room.

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Yes, very few of us have sudden leaps. We practice each day and that practice turns into progress.

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Excellent commentary. I'm not sure I'd go quite as far as the speaker does: “Exercise free will and creative, independent thought not for the satisfactions they will bring you, but for the good they will do others, the rest of the 6.8 billion—and those who will follow them," comes perilously close to guilt-tripping in my view. Yes, self-aggrandizement is toxic, but the pleasure of creative, independent thought is nothing to be ashamed of, whether it's focused on 6.8 billion other people or not. It may happen that an intellectual breakthrough "accidentally" ends up benefitting the world, though that goal was not foremost in the thinker's mind.

Kaizen sounds useful, especially for someone like me, a serial procrastinator. Taking one small step often leads to taking another.

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Thanks, JdL.

We can't know the good we do for others but we increase the odds we will when we turn away from the incessant narrator in our head, tediously reciting the "story of me."

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Thank you Barry.

Seeing what you point to is freedom - freedom to be, to love unconditionaly, be at peace and most of all, to feel grateful.

Love ... John

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Thank you, John. Yes, Freedom is first an inside job.

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